
Wednesday, January 11, 2017

CAPSULE: Split (2016, Dir. M. Night Shyamalan)

The 24 barely interesting personalities of Split:

1. Peter: The guy who loved psycho thrillers in the 80s and early 90s but never came to realise mental illnesses aren't a valid plot generator nowadays.

2. Betty: The woman who feels the need to explain every past and present motivation of her interlocutor so that nothing is left in doubt for anyone who may have chanced upon the conversation (sometimes known as Captain Obvious).

3. M: The guy who has made a career on twisting film narratives and who is now so spent that he's cannibalising his own past hits.

4. Joan: The Marvel Television exec who defected and on-sold the spec for 'Legion'.

5. Jennifer: A Nurse Ratched knock off who knocks about in a skivvy and a set of pursed lips without bringing too much menace - usually laughed at by the audience.

6. Bobbie: Overtly gay fashion designer type who doesn't appear to care all that much about fashion.

7. Edna: A producer who knows flesh sells and who has hundreds of great ideas about how to strip teenage girls down to their skanties (but resorts to just asking them to take random pieces of clothing off).

8. Bert: The agent of a reputable actor who has never really shone like he did on TV who should have known better than to involve him such a second rate production.

9. Jean: A personality that has a personality but we don't see for the entire film because 24 personalities was a little excessive.

10. James: Another personality that has a personality but we don't see for the entire film because 24 personalities was a little excessive.

11. Mitsuko: Yet another personality that has a personality but we don't see for the entire film because 24 personalities was a little excessive.

12. Chan: And another...

13. Eduardo: A guy who sits on the sidelines wondering how this all actually fits together because it doesn't appear particularly well thought out.

14. Jill: A pretty good scream queen but with a back story that is not sensitively handled. See Peter but sub in sexual abuse.

15. Grace: An old person who actually watches 'Wheel of Fortune' because that is what old people do.

16. Jeremiah: A writer who thinks that having an old person watch 'Wheel of Fortune' makes the perfect encapsulation of “old person”.

17. Bert: A film producer that clearly has spent all his life watching 'Wheel of Fortune' instead of past M. Night Shyamalan films and who therefore thinks M. Night Shyamalan is still a viable director to throw money behind.

18. The Wind.

19. Victor: A film director who likes to cameo in his own films à la Hitchcock but with an overly inflated concept of how good an actor he is so his attempts are as laughable as his laugh is (laughable).

20. Stan: A 12 year old who dances to Kanye and who has a penchant for saying “Etc.” a lot. Because Ya gotta have a gimmick

21. Sheila: One of the thousand keyboard warriors who will proclaim this M. Night’s return to form. (And will be wrong.)

22. Gerard: A butler.

23. Paul: A film critic who has run out of commentary and is now just trying to make up the numbers.

24. Bruce.



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